随着行业将重点转向 2025 年,以下是对明年可能发生的重大事件的七大预测。
GoPlus issues coin, is “360 on the chain” about to be born?
Goplus did not follow the mature To B business route, but differentiated itself by choosing the To C product promotion logic. It used the "360 on the chain" positioning to break the awkward positioning of security companies behind the scenes, turning security from passive to active and making it more inclusive.
CBN Special丨Turning snow into gold: China's winter sports, tourism ignite consumption
Coingecko 发布 2024 加密叙事排行榜:Meme 称王,AI、RWA、Solana 生态崛起
【GPT】Coingecko 报告显示,2024 年加密市场叙事多样化,Meme 币和 AI 成为最大赢家,分别占据 14.36% 和 15.67% 的关注度。RWA 和 DePIN 等新兴叙事热度上升,Solana 和 Base 生态系统表现强劲。相比之下,游戏叙事热度下降,而基础设施类叙事保持稳定。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
TGE在即,聊一聊StakeStone Berachain Vault的BERA“淘金指南”
「一次存入,两层网络,多重收益」,对普通用户来说,告别复杂的「傻瓜式」捕获 Berachain 早期红利的必备利器。
原文标题:5 narratives to watch in 2025.原文作者:0xNairolf,加密 Kol原文编译:zhouzhou,BlockBeats编者按:本文展望了...
OSL Trading Hours: Cryptocurrency shows volatile trend, market expects "Santa Claus bounce"
Daily market key data review and trend analysis, jointly produced by PANews and OSL.
MV Global report: DeSci is expected to usher in explosive growth in 2025 with the help of MEME
MV Global expects Pump.Science to achieve significant expansion in 2025, with at least 10 projects expected to have a market value of more than $100 million by the end of the year.
分析师预计,以太坊将在稳定币、代币化和 AI 领域保持主导地位,并通过重质押和二层网络的创新推动生态系统发展,价格有望突破历史新高。
Phala Network与ai16z玩起AI实验:AI自我繁衍和预售,aiPool和Spore.fun带动新玩法
获ai16z创始人Shaw力挺的aiPool与备受市场关注的Spore.fun均是利用Phala Network的TEE技术实现发币,这让上轮牛市中波卡生态活跃项目再次引得社区关注。
每篇推文每篇500USDC、年薪36.5万美元,Story Protocol 雇了一个AI Agent当实习生
尽管这次 Story Protocol 雇佣 Luna 作为推特内容实习生是独立事件,但结合 ATCP/IP,背后体现的是未来 Agent 经济的基础设施建设已经开始迈步了。